Product details
The details you provide for a product affect the way the product appears to customers, make it easier for you to organize your products, and help customers find the product. You don't have to provide every detail for each product.
For products that don't have any variants, the Pricing, Inventory, and Shipping sections are shown on the product details page. If you add variants, then those sections are no longer shown on the product details page. To change the details for product variants, see Editing variants for an existing product.
Title and description
- Title - The name for your product as you want your customers to see it.
- Description - The description for your product. This area uses the rich text editor so that you can format your text. Describe your products in detail to inform and persuade your potential customers. If you're a reseller, then don't use a manufacturer's exact description, because you want your products to be unique to search engines.
- Price - The price that you're charging for the product. You set the currency on the settings page. Click Charge taxes on this product if the product is taxable.
- Compare at price - The original price for a product that is on sale. When you enter a compare at price, the product displays a sale price.
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) - A unique value for the product. SKUs can help you organize your inventory and fulfill orders.
- Inventory policy - The setting for inventory tracking.
- Quantity - Number of units in stock.
- Incoming - Number of incoming units. See Transfers.
- This is a physical product - The setting for whether a product needs to be shipped. Uncheck it for digital products or services, or for products that you'll never ship.
- Weight - The product's actual weight. This field only appears when This is a physical product is checked. Product weight needs to be accurate because it is used to calculate shipping rates.
- Fulfillment service - Select a fulfillment service from the list of the ones that you are using. If you're not using a fulfillment service, then select Manual.
For a product that has variants, this section shows the options for the product, such as color and size. For more information about variants, see Variants.
Search engine listing preview
A preview of how your product will appear in search engine results. Click Edit website SEO to make changes to the preview.
The preview consists of the product title, its URL on your online store, and part of the description. For information on changing the preview, see Edit a search engine listing preview.
Sales channels
A list of your active sales channels where you can publish the product. To edit sales channel availability, click Manage. For more information about products and sales channels, see Make products available on your sales channels.
You can't set sales channel availability for individual product variants.
Product type - A category for the product that you can use to manage your products. For example, you can use the product type as a condition for an automated collection, or to help you filter your products in the Taraxaci admin. A product can have only one product type.
You can choose from any previously defined product type, or create a new one. To create a product type, enter it into the Product type field and then save the product. You can also create and edit product types in the bulk editor.
- Vendor - The manufacturer, wholesaler, or other vendor for the product. You can filter your product list by vendor, which can speed up ordering inventory.
- Collections - The collections that a product is included in. You can use this field to add the product directly to a manual collection. Automated collections include the product when it matches the collection conditions.
- Tags - Tags are searchable keywords that you can associate with your product. Tags can help customers find your product through your online store search, and you can also use them to create automated collections. For more information on adding or removing tags, see Add or remove tags.